How to make celery juice for Health Benefits

How important is celery juice for health? You can find out using social media. Such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and video-sharing platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. For this reason, juice has gained immense popularity in recent years for its potential benefits. Improve your digestion, hydration, and detoxification.

Gym trainers and dieticians recommend using juice for its health benefits. But we don’t know how to create. Making juice at home using a blender is affordable. This is a convenient way to include this nutritious drink in your daily routine.

Before knowing the process of making a juice recipe, you should clearly know the benefits of celery juice. You also need to know how it works in your body.

Benefits of celery Juice and Why Should You Consider it as a regular recipe?

There is not any scientific evidence about juice but many people have demanded that it is beneficial for the human body.  That is why, a lot of people have already tried it and got better results.  The importances of the juice recipe are stated on the based on webpages: 

Assurance in nutrition-

According to several nutritionists, the best juice has the essential minerals. Like folate, potassium, and necessary vitamins like vitamins K, C, and B2. The luteolin found in celery protects our skin from the inside and also prevents UV-induced damage from happening.

Enhance in digestion-

At present,  Most people are suffering from acidity gas in the world for the digested problems. To solve this problem you can use juice regularly. The juice recipe contains hydrochloric acid. This acid helps to digest quickly and more effectively by breaking down food which is especially high in protein.  

Fight against infection-

Nowadays, people are leading busy lives and they do not get much time for themselves. As a result, they are infected by some dangerous bacteria. The antimicrobial properties of juice prohibit bacterial growth and boost immunity. After drinking the juice you will be safe from   UTIs, bladder kidney disorders, etc.  

Controlling pressure and cholesterol-

One of the benefits of juice is to keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check. It works to reduce high blood pressure. At the same time it also maintains cholesterol in our human body. Moreover, it is quite suitable for weight loss as it breaks the fat of the liver and produces enzymes that help eliminate toxins and waste.

Save against various diseases-

Already you know about the juice benefits. It is not only a delicious juice but a miracle herbal remedy that has some amazing anti-oxidative properties. You can save your body from various diseases like jaundice, leaky gut, and constipation. Apart from that it also protects you from  IBS, urinary tract obstruction, and rheumatic disorders. It also works to relieve insomnia and reduce both migraines and fatigue.

Making of Celery Juice properly

If you follow the following guidelines, you can make the best juice within a few minutes. For this reason, you need to collect a high-speed blender and a cheesecloth to extract the fiber and leave the juice for drinking. Let’s go and we start to make juice in a blender medical medium. 

Collect and wash the celery

Through the collection of celery stalks, you can begin making the juice. You can collect the fresh, organic celery from your local market or farmers’ market. Organic celery ensures both your health and nutrition. As you collect the organic celery, it will be free from unwanted chemicals or pesticides that can make the poisson celery juice. 

After receiving your celery packet, you unpack the celery from the packet and sink it in water for a few minutes.  You should wash them very well by using your fingers so that any kinds of dirt, debris or residue can be removed from the celery stalks. 

Now, you spread or keep the celery under the sun to dry the wet celery. It is crucial to ensure that the celery is completely dry before keeping the blender. Otherwise, it will hamper the blend of the celery stalks. 

Cut off the ends of each stalk from dried celery. Separate the root end and any brown damaged parts. Now it is high time to take the next step to prepare the fresh juice. 

Chop the celery with pieces

Start chopping the celery that you have collected and washed. It is easy to blend and extract the juice from small pieces smoothly.  You can use a knife or kitchen scissors to chop the celery. 

Always remember that all pieces are necessary to be equal in size in order to achieve consistent blending and juicing results. Besides, small pieces will be more smooth and more refined juice.

Your juice may be bitter if you do not cut off any leaves which are attached to the stalks. Therefore,  remove any leaves from the stalks for getting the delicious juice.

Using a high-speed blender

For juice recipes, a high-speed blender is a basic tool. This blender will be able to efficiently break down the celery fiber and extract the juice.

Place the celery pieces into the blender jar in the right way so that pieces do not cross the edge of the jar. How much optimal blending and juice you want to get, it depends on the size and capacity of your blender. You can pour a little filtered water to increase blending facilities. Remember that water may dilute the flavor slightly.

Before blending the pieces in the blender, you should secure the lid tightly to avoid any spills. To break down the celery fibers, the high speed setting is necessary but you should start with low speed, gradually increasing it to high speed. After running 1-2 minutes you will see a vibrant green juice along with scrape of fibers. Now you may need to switch off the blender to get a complete juice. Before pouring the juice you must strain the juice to remove any remaining fiber.

Strain the Juice

As you blend the celery in the blender, you have got a smooth juice. But it is filled with scrap of fiber. Now it is high time to remove any scrap or remaining fiber through straining. Straining juice will be a smoother texture, making it more enjoyable to drink. 

How you will strain the juice. Definitely, you need a fine mesh strainer or a piece of clean cloth. Place the strainer or cloth over the bowl or secure and stable jar. 

Gradually pour the blended celery into the mesh strainer or a piece of clean cloth so that the juice passes in the jar. If it is hamper you can use a teaspoon or spatula to press down on the pulp to extract as much juice as possible. 

Carry on this process until all the juice has been strained into the jar. Once upon a time, you will get the completed juice from the blended celery. Now, you can discard the fiber from the strained juice or collect it to prepare the other recipes. The strained juice is now ready to be served and enjoyed.

If you want to enhance the taste or nutrition in the juice, you can customize it by adding extra recipes like the lemon juice, sea salt, parsley or cilantro. Finally, you can start serving and enjoying your homemade celery juice to your family members.

Serve and enjoy

Your homemade juice is now ready to be enjoyed! To serve the juice, pour it into a glass or jar of your choice. and if desired, you can chill it in the refrigerator or add ice cubes to make it even more refreshing, especially on hot summer days before serving. It’s best to consume juice immediately to maximize its freshness and nutritional benefits.

Short tips for making celery juice with a blender

Recently you have known what to do for making juice with a blender. Even after that, I want to give you some tips and tricks to enhance your experience and to have an original taste of celery juice.

– Collect or choose fresh and organic celery

– Wash the celery very carefully

– Cut the celery into small pieces

– Use a high-quality blender

– Blend in batches (Optional)

– Fine mesh strain or nut milk bag

– Add the extra items for flavor

– Glass or container for the juice

– Drink it fresh

the above these tips will help you to make a homemade juice that will be very delicious, nutritious, and satisfying. For this reason, you must remember these tips and tricks while making green juice with a blender. 


How do you prepare celery for juicing?

Firstly, remove any damaged outer stalks from collected celery stalks. Next, cut the root end from the celery along with dried edges of the stalk and remove discolored areas from the stalks. Wash them with your fingers or brush to remove any kinds of dirt, debris, and the remaining from the stalks and leaves.

Is it okay to drink celery juice every day?

So far no problems have been found with drinking juice. So, it is said that drinking juice is absolutely safe every day.  Moreover, to get the benefits of juice you can enjoy around 16 ounces of fresh juice.

Who should not drink celery juice?

Those who are suffering from IBS or IBD, should not drink the juice. Drinking before breakfast can be dangerous as it causes diarrhea and other digestive problems. ‍So, it is clear that juice is not safe for everyone, especially IBS or IBD patients.

Is eating raw celery better than juicing?

According to nutritionists, both celery juice and raw celery are useful for health but the whole is always better than juiced. If you, however, take the whole celery, you will get the original taste. On the other hand, you can add some extra flavor like lemon juice, sea salt, parsley, or cilantro in the juice that will enhance your nutritions.

Why is celery juice best on an empty stomach?

As celery juice contains the natural sodium, it stimulates the production of stomach acid. As a result, if consumed in the morning, it helps to enhance digestion throughout the day. 


Celery juice is a delicious and nutritious food. Similarly, it is a treatment for some diseases. Such as sleep problems, headaches, digestive problems, fatigue, anxiety, pain, and brain fog. As you learn how to make celery juice from this post, you can easily make celery juice by following these tips and tricks.

Now, you can recollect throughout the process, it is crucial to choose fresh, organic celery stalks. Then you need to wash the celery to remove the dirt and dibris. After that you must cut the celery into small pieces for keeping in the blender pitcher. You have to strain for get complete juice as well. 

Lastly, you enjoy your homemade celery juice and serve it to your whole family members. 

How to make celery juice for Health Benefits
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How to make celery juice for Health Benefits
Learn how to make celery juice to energize your morning routine. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead!
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